Thursday Plantation Lavender Oil 100% Pure
Thursday Plantation Lavender Oil 100% Pure
Thursday Plantation Lavender Oil 100% Pure
Thursday Plantation Lavender Oil 100% Pure
Thursday Plantation Lavender Oil 100% Pure
Thursday Plantation Lavender Oil 100% Pure
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Thursday Plantation Lavender Oil supports restful sleep and promotes a calm and peaceful mind. 100% Pure 100% natural

Lavender oil is a versatile aromatherapy grade oil, which can help calm, soothe and relax the body and mind.



Promotes restful sleep and sleep quality

Supports a calm & peaceful mind

Supports a calm and peaceful mind

100% Pure, 100% Natural

Promotes Restful Sleep

Supports a Calm and Peaceful Mind

Care for your family naturally


How To Use

Bath: To promote restful sleep & improve sleep quality, add 5 drops (1/4mL) to bathwater. Massage: To help relieve nervous tension & mild anxiety (Adults Only), dilute 5 drops (1/4mL) to 10mL carrier oil. Apply to temples, forehead, back of neck, shoulders or full body and gently massage. Vaporisation: To create a calm & soothing environment, dilute 5 drops (1/4mL) to 10mL in water and disperse using an oil burner or diffuser. Bites: Traditionally used to relieve skin itching & inflammation of tick, wasp and insect bites. Rub a few drops of foil onto affected area.